Frequently asked questions.

I want to support Prospect Farm, which option makes the most sense for me?

Custom Meat CSA The CSA is where our heart is, and has proven to be what we do best. It is the option we will always encourage community members to consider first. By being a part of our CSA community you are entering in on a membership program that allows you to stay connected to the farm and the current available meat on a regular basis. The CSA system allows you to select and pick up only what you need each month. Then you always have the opportunity to see what is newly available or adjust what you’re in the mood for cooking by making selections through an online portal. You are also rewarded for your consistent and predicable support with the deepest discount we are able to offer. Shop CSA!

Bundled Meat Boxes However, the CSA simply does not make sense for everyone. So we have designed one- time pick up meat boxes at bundled prices to fill your freezer! This works great for someone who has freezer storage or does not feel the need to “shop” each month. Or perhaps does not want to pick up regularly. This is also a great option for someone who is still determining how much meat quantity they consume throughout the year. Or someone who uses prospect farm to supplement a variety of other protein sources but still wants to buy in bulk for economic reasons. Shop Bundles!

Àl A Carte Shopping This option is perfect for those who find shopping at the farmers’ market makes the most sense for them! A non-bulk ordering option. Great for folks who like very specific cuts and enjoy Àl A Carte style shopping. Shop Àl A Carte!

Donate Meat Perhaps you are a current local customer or you are from outside the area and are looking for more ways to support this community and our farm. Please consider participating in one on our donation programs. We always encourage donors to reach out to Learn More!

Why Prospect Farm?

Health & Taste: You Are What You Eat
“The strongest case for why you should buy this kind of meat is for your own health. Yeah, it tastes better, but also, it doesn’t make you sick. Don’t put hormones and antibiotics in your body that have been designed to make mammals gain weight. They’ll do the same thing to you.” -Anya Fernald (Author, Chef & Food Expert) Instead choose animals that have been raised holistically outdoors in the fresh air, while being able to exercise, forage and use their natural instincts. Happy animals make healthy meat. Over the last few years we have heard and seen transformations from our customers, whether it be inches from the waistline or able to lower their cholesterol. We love hearing these stories and seeing it first-hand.

Environment: Earth Day Everyday
Our regenerative practices show respect to the soil, water sources, air quality and the humane treatment of animals. By supporting our small-scale farm you will lower your carbon foot print, as less plastic packaging, shipping materials and petroleum are needed for shipping meat across the country or world. Our farm does not release greenhouse gas into the ozone or spray harmful chemicals onto the land as industrial farms do.

Affordability & Commitment - Teach Your Children Well
We understand that our meat can be more expensive than you’re used to spending at the grocery store. That’s why we have developed our CSA program. The CSA program makes our meat more affordable by rewarding consumers for investing in their health, community, and environment. When you commit to a Prospect Farm CSA share we are able to depend on your loyalty and be the most efficient operation we can be, lowering our expenses and passing our savings on to you. Our CSA members always come first!

Why do you not attend the farmers’ market?

For many years we attended several farmers’ market a week and are grateful for that community and experience. But as we continue to grow our business and family, we feel we can be a more efficient farm when that time is alternatively spent focused on the farming itself. Also giving us more time for what we are most passionate about, our CSA and the other sales options we offer on this website that offer the community a more economical and personalized purchasing experience.

Why is Prospect Farm meat more expensive than the supermarket?

Raising animals on a small scale is a more expensive undertaking than it is for a commodity sized farms. Everything from the grain we feed to our animal’s breeds are selected with pride. The individual attention we offer our animals and our land shows up on your plate and in your body!

Beyond the fact that it costs more to produce meat raised right, we are a two person operation, meaning we are our own photographers, accountants, carpenters, mechanics, grazing specialists, animal nutritionalists, web designers, engineers, veterinary clinicians, chefs, plumbers, compost-ers, farm hands and CSA packers. With only two people operating the farm, we are able to offer the highest quality control and cultivate an extraordinary experience for our members. We offer you the opportunity to get to know both of us, your farmers, and ask us questions about anything that relates to the food, farm, food policy, nutrition, recipes, animals, and more!

How does pasture-based meat benefit my family?

When you buy from our farm you are feeding your family exceptional quality grass- based meat. Yes it tastes better, AND it is good for you! The nutritional value of pasture-based meat is scientifically proven to be higher than that of feedlot meat. We never feed our animals with antibiotics, GMO’s or spray harmful chemicals. Plus it fuels the soul to support the health of our planet, the humanity of animals and the local economy.

Why is industrial farming unsustainable?

Concentrated animal feed lots have increasingly become the way most of the meat we consume is raised. This system, which consists of overcrowding animals to optimize efficiency to provide cheap meat succeeds only at the expense of your health and the exploitation of natural resources. The system relies on antibiotics and unsustainable waste proliferation. It leads to algal blooms inhibiting the natural enjoyment of lakes and rivers, and leads to the increasingly alarming rate of antibiotics found in our food stream, while also providing deplorable quality of life for the animals forced into these growing conditions and upon the workers who tend to them. We can do better!